Connecticut Small Power Producers Association
Committed to preserving small, environmentally responsible, electricity-generating facilities in Connecticut.

Connecticut's small hydropower projects provide significant and unique public benefits including recreation, education, historic preservation and river restoration. To maintain these benefits and produce carbon free energy takes significant investment. Small hydropower is not a disposable renewable resource; many of our facilities have been harnessing the energy of falling water for nearly a century. CSPPA advocates for policies and regulation that support and recognize the value of CT’s small hydropower fleet.
Our members range from "mom and pop" family run operations to mid-size independent power producers that develop, own and operate small power projects, with a focus on hydropower. We also welcome industry service providers and individuals who are passionate about Connecticut's existing small renewable assets so that they can continue to provide benefits for generations to come.
About the CSPPA
Formed in 1985, the Connecticut Small Power Producer Association (CSPPA) is made up of companies and individuals committed to preserving small, environmentally responsible, electricity-generating facilities in Connecticut. The majority of our members own, operate, or contribute to small renewable hydropower facilities. These little-known facilities are tucked into communities across the state and contribute significant economic, community, and environmental benefits.